
General Information

The Tenth Church Library is housed in the northwest corner of the "Catacombs" in Room C4. Hours of operation are 10:30am - 10:55am each Sunday.

The library offers a wide array of Christian media for all ages, including books, video, and audio. Childrens materials are grouped by age and color-coded: red for children under 8, yellow for intermediate readers age 8-12, and orange for teens.

The library also has a special section, color-coded green, which features Tenth authors including James M. Boice and Philip G. Ryken, as well as PCRT seminar tapes. Resources on relationships are grouped and color-coded purple. This section has books, video, and audio on topics including dating, marriage, divorce, infertility, and parenting.

A majority of the collection focuses on Bible commentaries, theology, Christian growth and discipleship, missions, church history, biography, and adult fiction.

We are constantly adding new materials to make this a valuable resource for the church. Please stop by and make use of the wonderful materials.