
Used Book Needs

Below is a list of materials that have been missing from Tenth Library for five years or more either because we have no contact information on the borrower, or the borrower has not returned the item after several overdue notices.

We would greatly appreciate donations of good condition used (or new) copies of any materials on the list to replace these missing items. Please contact the librarians at syduggan@verizon.net to arrange drop off of your donations. Thanks so much for your support of this vital ministry!

Ashley, Meg; Danger on the Quarry Path
Andres, Dorothy Westlake; Everywhere I Go
Alexander, Eric; How Great Thou Art
Arensen, Shel; Test of Tribal Courage
Bailey, H.W.; Danger on the Alaskan Trail
Barnhouse, Donald; God’s Methods for Holy Living
Barnhouse, Donald; Mark, the Servant Gospel
Berkouwer, G.C.; Sin
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich; The Cost of Discipleship
Boice, James; Daniel
Boice, James; The Foundation of Biblical Authority
Boice, James; Psalms Vol. 1
Brem, M.M.; The Man Caught by a Fish
Briscoe, Stuart; Bound for Joy
Brown, Stephen; Welcome to the Family
Bunyan, John; The Pilgrim’s Progress (hardback)
Calvin, John; The Harmony of Matt., Mark, Luke and John 1-11
Davidson, A.; The Story of Baby Jesus
Davis, John; The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible
Deane, Barbara; Caring for Your Aging Parents
Edwards, Jonathan; The Works of Jonathan Edwards
Elliot, Elizabeth; Let Me Be a Woman
Elliot, Elizabeth; The Liberty of Obedience
Erdman, Charles; The Book of Exodus
Fausset and Brown; Critical and Explanatory Commentary on the Bible
Flying House; Blast off for the Past/Star Spangled Night (VHS)
Foster, Richard; Freedom of Simplicity
Geisler, Norman; Christian Apologetics
Graham, Billy; Facing Death
Graham, Billy; Hope for the Family
Griffiths, Michael; Get Your Church Involved in Missions
Golden Books; Three Bible Stories: Noah’s Ark, David, Jonah
Hillam, C.; Jennifer of the City
Hughes, R.K.; Disciplines of a Godly Man
Jackson, Dave & Neta; Journey to the End of the Earth
Kesler, Jay; Ten Mistakes Parents Make with Teenagers
Kidner, Derek; Genesis
Kolbrek, Loyal; The Day God Made It Rain
Lawhead, Stephen; Arthur
Leppard, Lois Gladys; Mandie and the Buried Stranger
Leppard, Lois Gladys; Mandie and the Missing Kin
Leppard, Lois Gladys; Mandie and the Silent Catacombs
Lewis, C.S.; Mere Christianity (hardback)
Lewis, C.S.; Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
Lewis, C.S.; The Great Divorce
Machen, John Gresham; What Is Faith?
Matranga, Frances; The Big Top: My Story
McCusker, Paul; Strange Journey Back
McCusker, Paul; High Flyer with a Flat Tire
McGee and Me; Star in the Breaking (VHS)
Mears, Henrietta; A Look at the Old Testament
Metzger, Will; Tell the Truth
Murray, John; The Sovereignty of God
Nesbitt, Jeff; Setting the Trap
Nesbitt, Jeff; Mountaintop Rescue
Niebuhr, Hulda; The One Story
Perretti, Frank; Piercing the Darkness
Powell, John; Why Am I Afraid to Love?
Ransome, Arthur; Swallows and Amazons
Rees, Paul; Christian Commit Yourself
Spurgeon, Charles; Lectures from my Students
Trapp, Maria; The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
Veggie Tales; Esther (VHS)
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor Meets Mongoose
White, Paul; Jungle Doctor’s Hippo Happenings
Wycliffe; Who Brought the Word